Friday, December 26, 2008

There is no order of difficulty in miracles

Continuing with A Course in Miracles ...

"There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not 'harder' or 'bigger; than another. They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal."

Accepting this first Principle of Miracles from page one of the course is crucial to living a miraculous life. Is it possible that some miracles are harder for God than others? This may sound like a ridiculous question, but it is an important one to answer if we want peace and joy to flow freely through out lives.

Every time we don't take something to God, we are limiting His power in our lives. When we do not pray because we believe that something is not important enough to pray about or because we feel hopeless, we don't give God a chance. When we choose not to pray because the issue is "big" and we're afraid we may not like God's answer, we are insisting that we know more than God does. It is our beliefs and fears that limit miracles.

As long as we are willing to stay stuck in seeing God as simply the granter of wishes, rather than the unlimited power of love that He is, we will continue to believe some miracles are more difficult than others. They aren't. Living a miraculous life is not about asking God to intervene in our lives to make specific things happen, it's about inviting God in to every part of our lives and being willing to see things differently. Experiencing miracles happens when we surrender our attachments to the way we believe things should be, and become willing to see things as God would have us see them. It's not about deciding if something is too big or small for God to help. It's about asking for God's help all of the time, and choosing to align ourselves with His presence in our lives every day.

The course teaches us not to focus on how possible or impossible something may seem to be in this world. Rather, we are taught that when we align ourselves with God, everything is possible. Pain that you thought would never go away can be released. Relationships that you thought could never change can be transformed. We get stuck thinking that a miracle is like getting what we want for Christmas, rather than seeing love where we thought it could not exist.

Call to mind your most limiting and damaging belief about yourself. Now, suppose God was able to heal this place inside of you, would you let Him? Which is more likely, that He hasn't known how to heal you or that you haven't been willing to believe that He can?

Daily Meditation: Today I will ask God to guide me in every moment, and I will allow miracles to flow freely in my life. With God, all things are possible.

Copyright © 2008, Lisa Wagner

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